Monday, February 20, 2017

Obesity Explosion in America

It is not food that has caused the obesity explosion in this country.  One of the biggest factors is the stress of living in cities, there is overcrowding that is increasing our stress levels.

Another factor is the media's constant barrage of commercials that create desire for the latest of everything being developed in the way of technology or latest fast food offering.  In fact this type of stress, "the gotta getta ________ (fill the blank) syndrome", has not only caused some to have such desire for things they are willing to kill to get it.  Some silently go about growing their fat cells enormously with the latest advertised low cost foods like candy, soda, chips, you name it which wreaks havoc on our bodies.  Jealousy and envy are constantly stirred up by the electronic visitors we allow in our homes.

Stress is the actual silent killer of hearts, waist lines, and lives.

When this country was still rural stress was less as we waited for our gardens, our crops, our growing up live stock (i.e., chickens to become old enough to produce eggs), and we waited with those who were nurturing us.  We actually ate less.  Maybe it was due to not wanting to hurt other living beings?  There was ALWAYS another load of kindling to split and carry in to stoke the cooker in the kitchen.  We worked off our stress by simply keeping ourselves alive.

Time is of the essence to learn to cut the cord and return to growing our own food even if it is only one tomato plant on an apartment house balcony, or a condo patio.  Even a potted herb in a kitchen window can satisfy this need.  Digging in dirt relieves stress.  Watching things grow from a tiny seed to a producing plant changes lives.

See you in the next post.

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